< envs
somewhere, Earth

welcome! i'm a physicist who works with computers since I was 16 years old,
i like  stuff, writing , listening to  and play
  - or simply learn new things when feeling bored (really).

MATRIX @lfdev:envs.net
MAIL lfdev@envs.net

PGP [key] • 26A1 5E4E 3FF3 AA81 B165 77CA 96CA B92C 2A15 D9C7
SSH [id_ed25519.pub]

my > gitea

on > mastodon

dotfiles - My dotfiles, managed with yadm (work in progress)
gnome-shell-extension-system76-power - System76 Power Management Extension (Pull mirror)
html2mdfm - Convert Zoho Notebook HTML export to (Markdown + Front Matter) that can be imported into Joplin (Pull mirror)
joplin-desktop-linux-package - Joplin Desktop pre-built packages for Debian/Ubuntu and ArchLinux (Pull mirror)
yacht - Supercharged and customizable tmux configuration that aims to appeal to power users while still being beginner friendly (Pull mirror)
yadm-install - yadm (Yet Another Dotfiles Manager) mirror, with a handy install script


Article the Third:
	Where a crime of the kidneys has been committed, the accused should
	enjoy the right to a speedy diaper change.  Public announcements and
	guided tours of the aforementioned are not necessary.
Article the Fourth:
	The decision to eat strained lamb or not should be with the "feedee"
	and not the "feeder".  Blowing the strained lamb into the feeder's
	face should be accepted as an opinion, not as a declaration of war.
Article the Fifth:
	Babies should enjoy the freedom to vocalize, whether it be in church,
	a public meeting place, during a movie, or after hours when the
	lights are out.  They have not yet learned that joy and laughter have
	to last a lifetime and must be conserved.
		-- Erma Bombeck, "A Baby's Bill of Rights"